Problems of harmful use and dependence on alcohol in female inpatients

Izáková, Ľ. – Fleischer, J. – Turček, M.

At the acute female department of Psychiatric Clinic School of Medicine and Faculty Hospital in Bratislava the authors observed presence of problems with harmful use and dependence of alcohol in female inpatients. They fixed on group of inpatients with diagnosis of harmful use and dependence of alcohol, on group of inpatients with depression, personality disorders, eating disorders, which had comorbidity with harmful use and dependence of alcohol. Demographic and clinical characteristics were recorded. In selection were included patients hospitalised at acute department during 18 months (October 2004 – March 2006). The authors discussed relation of harmful use and dependence of alcohol with another mental disorder; separately they discussed relation with depression, eating disorders and personality disorders.

Key words: harmful use and dependence of alcohol – depression – eating disorders – personality disorders