ADZ(PO) - Instructions for Authors
Submitting the manuscripts
Please send your manuscripts electronically to the following address:
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The e-mail message must contain the following statement of the first author:
– the paper was not previously published or submitted for publication in another journal or elsewhere on the internet;
– all co-authors agree with the publication of the paper as presented for submission (if more than one author).
The Editorial Board also requires from authors to fill and return the following forms:
Conflict-of-Interest Statement (all manuscripts)
Statement of Informed Consent (original research with data obtained from patients)
Statement of Human and Animal Rights (original research with experiments on humans or animals)
Description of Peer Review Process
The Journal operates the following system within the peer review process. Each manuscript is read by chief editor or other member of editorial board and those that are considered clearly unsuited to the Journal will be turned down without going to full review. Manuscripts with major formal unconformities with the Journal style are sent back to the author, who can request for continuing the review process after correcting the discrepancies. This stage usually takes up to 4 weeks.
Manuscripts that pass this stage are sent to reviewer (a peer expert). The peer review process is managed by chief editor on double-blind basis, using a specific review form. The outcome of the peer review process is a) full acceptation, b) request for revision or c) rejection of a manuscript. If authors are invited to revise a manuscript and resubmit it, the review process will be performed again. This stage usually takes up to 3 months.
Accepted manuscript are subsequently prepared for final publication form, with the understanding that the chief editor and the editorial staff have the right to make revisions aimed at greater conciseness, clarity, and conformity with the Journal style. Before publication in extenso, the main author is asked to approve the proof of their article. This stage usually takes up to 2 months.
Papers are published free of charge to authors, however also no reimbursement is paid to authors. All published articles become the property of the Journal.