The role of endocannabinoid system and its exogenous modulation in animal models of drug dependence, depression, anxiety and aggressivity

Vršková, D.

The aim of this paper is to bring to attention recent evidence on the roles of central endocannabinoid system in neuropsychopathological conditions as are drug dependence, depression, anxiety and aggression. Results of pharmacological studies with cannabinoid receptor ligands in rodent behavioural models reported (behavioural sensitization to drugs of abuse – “open field test”, “agonistic behaviour”, “i.v. drug self-administration”; depression – “bilateral olfactory bulbectomy”, “repeated social defeat”; aggressivity and anxiety – “agonistic behaviour”) are expected to show in their outcomes a possibility to predict therapeutic pharmacological intervention into the endocannabinoid system activity in the above mentioned neuropsychiatric disorders.

Key words: endocannabinoid system – potential pharmacotherapy – drug dependence – depression – anxiety – aggressivity