Thiamine and its effect in treatment of severe psychiatric and somatic consequences of chrinic alcoholism

Vladimír, A.

The serious one from a results of the chronic and long-lasting (often for many decades) alcohol drinking is the coincidence of psychiatric and somatic (especially neurological) diseases. Many times the main reason is toxic disturbance of the central and peripheral nerve system metabolism. It is known, that long-lasting alcohol drinking has been worsening the recovery prognosis but if a treatment runs with the suitable kind of pharmacon in an appropriate dosis of and a length of a time, a very good result is to be reached. In this article I want do draw the attention to the validity of thiamine (B1 vitamin) treatment in the context of new neurobiological knowledge from the research and the practice in a period of alcoholism with serious psychiatric and neurological disorders. In the article is also the case report.

Key words: toxic disturbance of central and peripheral nerve system – drug in the available dosis and treating period – thiamine in the light of new neurobiological knowledge