Good prognosis for the majority of the patients treated due to dependence on heroin and alcohol

Okruhlica, Ľ. – Kovácsová, E.

The aim of the study was to find out, after some time, what is the patients’ condition in regard to the abstinence from the primary addictive substance (heroin/alcohol), which was the reason why they have requested the treatment in the Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies in Bratislava. Patients and Methods: The research was conducted one and three years after the treatment entry. Cohort 2001 was divided into two groups: (1) the group OpCohort2001 with dependence on heroin (n=146; males 73 %; average age 23.1 (SD ± 4.5 years) and (2) the group AlCohort2001 with alcohol dependence (n=136; males 71 %; average age 42.6 (SD ± 9.8 years). Results: The illicit opiates were used by 21 % and 15 % of the patients with dependence on heroin after one and three years, respectively. From the group of the patients with alcohol dependence continued to drink 26 % and 35 %, respectively. From the group of the patients with heroin dependence were in the methadone maintenance treatment 14 % and 21 % of them, respectively, while the total abstinence from the opiates ha s been achieved by 65 % after one year, and by 64 % after three years, it was 74 % and 65 % of the abstainers in the group with dependence on alcohol. Additional finding was decline from 71 % to 26 % in the rate of the unemployment among those treated due to heroin after three years and from 27 % to 12 % among those treated due to alcohol dependence. Conclusions: It is consistent with the other findings, that about two thirds of the patients is abstaining from the substance due to dependence on which they have requested the treatment after three years. This is suggesting a good prognosis of the disease for the majority of them.

Key words: treatment of dependencies – evaluation – treatment prognosis – alcohol – heroin