Alcoholism in young age vs. alcoholism in elderly

Shahpesandy, H. – Pristášová, J. – Janíková, Z. – Mojžišová, R. – Kasanická, V. – Šupalová, O.

After comparison of 73 elderly alcoholics (mean age 70.2 years) with their 90 young counterparts (mean age 43.9) we have found that the majority of elderly patients had elementary education, was married, they had significantly less frequent family history, longer period of abstinence, used to consume alcohol in moderation, but on the other band they had more somatic and mental comorbidity and higher rate of mortality. Young alcoholics display significantly more of ten positive family history of mental disorders and alcoholism, comorbid personality disorders, more frequent anti social behaviour, higher number of admission and tended to drink more hazardous than their elderly counterparts.

Key words: alcoholism in the elderly – elderly – comorbidity – personality disorders – criminality – mortality – education – preferred drinks – SIMA – MALT