Alcoholism in the elderly – consequences and complications

Shahpesandy, H. – Pristášová, J. – Janíková, Z. – Mojžišová, R. – Kasanická, V. – Šupalová, O.

After comparison of 73 elderly alcoholics (mean age 70.2 years) with their 70 non-alcoholic counterparts (mean age 76 years) we have found that the majority of alcoholics had elementary education and was married which is in contrary with literature. But the rate of personality disorders, co morbidity of physical and mental diseases and mortality were significantly higher in alcoholics. On the other hand, surprisingly depression and abuse of prescribed drugs were significantly higher in the group of non-alcoholics.

Key words: alcoholism – elderly – comorbidity – personality disorders – mortality – education – depression – harmful use of benzodiazepines – MALT – SIMA