Drug use in the recreational setting

Bušová, Z. – Kovácsová, E. – Okruhlica, Ľ.

The exploring, descriptive survey showed increased drug consumption among participants of musical-dance events, mainly open-air festivals in Slovakia, though this finding is related only to the smaller part of participants. Drug use among these participants could be considered to be a part of their lifestyle. 268 participants of 3 musical-dance events were addressed (average age was 21.7 years). We found out, that only ecstasy (16 % of participants have reported use of this drug in the last month) and pervitin (15 % of participants have reported use of this drug in the last month) relate to increased typical drug use directly at musical-dance events, in association with techno style. In light of preferred place of drug use, 70 % of ecstasy users prefer using ecstasy at party and al most half of pervitin users (46 %) prefer using pervitin at party. Higher prevalence of synthetic drugs use in the recreational setting of musical-dance nature that was confirmed also in our survey, as well as higher prevalence of other drugs use by participants, should be an impulse for implementation of selective prevention oriented to participants of musical-dance events.

Key words: musical-dance event – prevalence of drug use – lifestyle