Pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence

Pokora, J. – Mošťák, P.

We bring a survey of possibilities of pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence. Benzodiazepines and clomethiazol are drugs of choice for treatment of alcohol withdrawal, in some cases together with neuroleptics of the 2nd generation. Neuroleptics are useful in treatment of alcohol hallucinosis and other psychoses. Comorbidity of affective disorders, especially depressions and alcohol abuse are very frequent in our patients. We prefer antidepressants from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and tianeptine in depression with anxiety. Disulfiram is used in treatment of alcoholism in our country. We mention two new effective medicaments – naltrexone and acamprosate from group of anticraving agents in finish.

Key words: pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence – treatment of alcohol withdrawal – comorbidity – anticraving agents