Metamphetamine dependence with an onset at the middle age: a case report

Tibenská, A. – Martínek, C. – Hosák, L.

Methamphetamine (pervitine) belongs to the most frequently abused illicit drugs in the Czech Republic. The inpatient treatment can be carried on among others in the Mental Hospital for Substance Abuse in Nechanice. Recently, we observed an increased number of inpatients suffering from methamphetamine dependence with an onset at the middle age in this treatment facility. Based on a case report of one such a patient, we refer to some general aspects of this age group – a sufficient in sight and motivation to be treated, problems in the therapeutic relationship, a low acceptance of other patients opinion, different topics discussed in psychotherapy, differences in organization of after-treatment, and sexological aspects of psychostimulant dependence.

Key words: methamphetamine – dependence – middle age – case report – specific approach