Radical and palliative treatment of alcohol dependence

Pokora, J. – Chadima, Z.

Permanent and consistent total abstinence is a standard aim of treatment of alcoholism in a therapeutic community. It is consistent with programme of 12 steps of AA, too. Unfortunately more than half of patients who undergo the treatment are not able to keep the requirement of total abstinence and earlier or later break the abstinence and go on excessive drinking. We also have a programme for the patients, who are not able or do not want to accept necessity of total abstinence, so cold „rehabilitative-sobering programme“. We do not expect this type of clients will abstain from alcohol. Health risk minimalization and improving of functioning in social domain are the main aims of this approach. This programme is similar to „harm reduction“ programs for drug addicts. We conclude that rehabilitative-sobering programme can help our patients and it can be useful for all the society because it can reduce consumption of health care, lowers social problems in employment and family, favourably influences social pathology as criminality or homelessness etc.

Key words: treatment of alcohol dependence – radical treatment - palliative approach – harm reduction