Role of pharmacies in HIV/AIDS prevention among IDUS in Slovakia

Okruhlica, Ľ. – Formánková, S.

The transversal survey has shown an insufficient availability of sterile needles and syringes for intravenous drug users (IDUs) in public pharmacies in Slovakia. Only 64 (36 %) out of 180 pharmacies which have been addressed, would sell them to IDUs. There was surprisingly lower availability of sterile needles and syringes to IDUs among pharmacies in Bratislava in comparison with pharmacies in the countryside – 15 % vs. 57 %, respectively. Only one pharmacy would sell them around the clock in Bratislava. The most frequent reasons or worries presented by the pharmacists, which prevented them from selling sterile needles and syringes to IDUs, have been discussed, too. There is necessity to educate pharmacists with the goal to change their attitude. The intention is to involve them into the national effort to prevent HIV infection, which is important, because the geographic and time coverage of Slovakia by a network of public pharmacies is the best way how to secure the implementation of the task of the National programme on prevention of HIV/AIDS, among IDUs.

Key words: intravenous drug user – prevention - HIV/AIDS – public pharmacies