Personality factors of adolescents – consumers of legal psychoactive substances

Jančovičová, H. – Heretik, A. – Ritomský, A.

Adolescents are more of ten consumers consequence of their individuality needs than it was generally assumed. We found out that the level of consumption alcohol depends proportionally on the level of individuality variable. This is true for various forms of drinking, frequency, and also when we study the style of drinking or the kind of consumed drinks. In general it is possible to confirm that anomy, extroversion, addictivity, criminality and negative empathy were predictors of excessive drinking of alcohol. On the contrary a significantly higher rate of neuroticism was detected in those adolescents who were suspected to be alcohol addicts.

Key words: adolescents – alcohol consumption – extroversion – neuroticism – psychoticism – inclination to lie – addictivity – criminality – adventurity – impulsivity – empathy – anomy