Sociological study of drug users from region of Zlín

Spáčilová, L. – Klusoňová, H.

The results of our study say, that drug users from the region of Zlín are people in the age from 16 to 36 years, more than two thirds of them are men, they came mainly (in 80.4 %) from a town with more than 10 thousands of inhabitants their education is mainly (58.7 %) secondary, or they still study (17.4 %) they came usually from families with secondary or higher education. Their relationships with people in touch with are mainly (65.2 %) good, but one third of respondents broke the touch with their parents. Drug users are usually unemployed (71.7 %), almost one half of them (45.7 %) are regular smokers, they drink alcohol as much as several times a week (41.7 %). More than a half of respondents (56.5 %) agree with legalization of soft drugs or they prefer at least their free using (34.8 %), when they consider soft drug like cannabis, MDMA, LSD, medicaments and hallucinogenic mushrooms. They are frequently abusers of pervitin (89.1 %), they use marihuana (71.9 %) or ecstasy (31.3 %) as a secondary drug. Two thirds of them think that drugs inf1uenced their life negatively and two thirds would like to give up using drugs. 70 % of respondents have already had problems with police in conjunction with using drugs, one third of them used to undergo medical treatment of their addiction and one third used to be in hospital because of any other health problems resulting of using drugs.

Key words: drug users – social conditions – soft and hard drugs