Social phobia and alcoholism II. Personality characteristics of alcohol addicts with the social phobia

Komadová, K. – Heretik, A.

The work deals with occurrence and mutual relationship between social phobia and alcoholism. The research group consists of 90 alcohol addicts who were treated at the Antialcoholism Department. The battery of questionnaires consists of the questionnaire containing demographic data, the questionnaire of interpersonal diagnosis – ICL, the questionnaire SCL-90, both version of the questionnaire STAI X-1 and X-2, the questionnaire ADS, and the Liebowitz scale of social phobia LSAS. The results prove high prevalence of social phobia in the population of alcohol addicts, which is higher than among the remaining population. The social phobia is more frequently found in women who are a1cohol addicts that in a1cohol addict men. It has no effect on partner or family life, but it has negative effect on the level of achieved education, and the alcohol addicts with social phobia are more frequently unemployed. The a1cohol addicts with social phobia behave in personal relations with subordination, suspicion, hyperconformity, lack of assertivity, low self-confidence, submission, and humble conduct. They tend to have obsessions and depressions. Neither heavy dependence on a1cohol was found, no longer treatment or higher number of hospitalizations. In case of correct and timely diagnosis and suitable therapy, the prognosis treatment of the social phobia is very good, relating also to lower number of recurrence. Many persons who are a1cohol addicts suffer from symptoms of anxiety. The studies showed that 50 – 67 % of alcohol addicts achieved high score in the scales measuring anxiety and high number of symptoms corresponding to anxiety defects. According to the results of research realized in Predna Hora, anxiety defects occur in 21% of the persons who are addicts of psychoactive substances. From among all anxiety disorders, the phobias are the most frequent prerequisite of the incoming problem with a1coholism. The National Comorbidity Survey states 24 % lifetime prevalence of addiction from alcohol among the patients suffering from social phobia, according to Thomas et al. it is 19 – 28%.

Key words: alcoholism – social phobia – social and demographic variables – prevalence