Current opinions of youth on drinking alcoholic beverages

Turček, K.

In the article, the author deals with opinions of elementary school pupils, high school and apprentice school students, and indirectly also their parents on drinking of alcoholic beverages. The number of respondents who would accept an alcoholic drink upon offer of their parents is striking (approximately one third of students’ parents, 44.8 % of boy apprentices’ parents and 37.3 % of girl apprentices’ parents). What is even worse is the number of parents who would talk their children into drinking of alcoholic beverages (9.1 % of boys’ parents and 6.3 % of girls’ parents of elementary schools, 24.1 % of boys’ parents and 16.4 % of girls’ parents of high schools, 34.3 % of boy apprentices’ parents and 23.7 % of girl apprentices’ parents). An alcoholic drink is preferred for damping down the thirst by 17.2 % of boy high school students, 4.9 % of girl high school students, but more than one third of boy apprentices and 13.6 % girl apprentices. The author deals with the unsatisfactory situation, especially in families with apprentice youngsters, and concludes that this is the reason for improving the educational process in apprentice schools, which could substitute the insufficient education in the part of the apprentice youngsters.

Key words: opinions of children and your to alcohol drinking – opinions of parents