Nutritional supplement in the management of patients with chronic liver disease and other consequences of alcohol dependence

Kvetková, J. – Ďanovský, J. – Kravčák, J. – Gešková, D. – Hajdúková, M. – Gabajová, V.

Introduction: Treatment of addiction requires comprehensive approach which includes mostly psychotherapy, strengthening of physical condition and treatment of comorbidities as well. Abstinence and successful integration into social life requires patients themselves to analyze their psychic problems causing development of addiction. It also requires treatment of somatic diseases whose symptoms (e.g. pain) could endanger the patient by addiction relapse. An important part of comprehensive treatment of alcoholism is to cure somatic consequences caused by long-term alcohol abuse, such as varying severity of liver damage – from toxic hepatitis to liver cirrhosis, alcoholic polyneuropathy of lower extremities and cognitive disorders. The substance that seems to have positive effects to both somatic and psychic symptoms is the drug that we examined. Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate positive effects of the dietary supplement on the speed of improvement of somatic and cognitive consequences of alcohol dependence and to consider its use in the treatment of diseases associated with alcohol dependence. Methods: The study included 29 patients divided into two groups. The first group included nine patients and was being administered the dietary supplement in 1-0-0 schedule, the second group of twenty patients was being given in 1-0-1. Laboratory examination of selected parameters had been performed in the beginning of the study, after one month, two and three months. The pre-admission medical examination had also included the ultrasound examination of the liver and the SF 36 questionnarie, both were repeated in the end of the study. Laboratory tests were carried out in a laboratory of OLÚP n.o. by Flexor Junior device. Results: Comparing the results of laboratory tests and questionnaires at the beginning, during and at the end of the study, we found that administration of the dietary supplement during the treatment of alcohol dependence accelerates the process of improving both somatic consequences of alcoholism and cognitive abilities of patients. 74.1 % from the pathological results of laboratory tests were adjusted into the reference range by the first month of administration of the dietary supplement, on the end of third month reported subjective somatic limitations, according to the questionnaire, decreased from 199 to 91 and psychological problems from 81 to 26. Conclusion: The administration of the examined dietary supplement speeds up the process of recovering from the effects of alcoholism on patients.

Key words: alcohol dependence – dietary supplement – choline – silymarin – silibinin – inositol – methionine – SF36 questionnaire