Somatic health status of alcohol dependent patients, treated with antidepressants – now and 13 years ago

Martinove, M. – Kvetková, J. – Martinove, M. ml. – Gluknerová, P.

Introduction: In recent years alcohol dependent patients come to the hospital with greater health damage than in the past, particularly with regard to the occurrence of epileptic seizures or more frequent detection of hypertension, as well as liver damage. What can this be attributed to besides drinking? Among other things, frequent unemployment in addicts and thus limited possibility to treat and subsequent relapse may have an impact on morbidity statistics of our population. Objective: Aim of this study is to compare the health status of the two sets of OLÚP alcohol addicts treated between 2000 and 2013. We were looking for changes in morbidity of patients and possible factors influencing them. Methods: Retrospective analysis of medical records. The first group consists of institutional treatments in 2000 and the second in 2013. We compared changes in health status in both files. Patients in both groups were in productive age and have completed secondary vocational school. Both groups were compared in aspects of physical health. In both groups patients treated with antidepressants due to mild to moderate depressive disorder were included. Results and Conclusion: Morbidity among addicts is a negative indicator and often occurs as a result of alcohol drinking. There was found a fourfold increase in the incidence of ischemic heart disease, and a threefold increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and epileptic seizures from 2000 to 2013. Unemployment rate among addicts is more than 60 %, and they often change their status into the "social cases", with no means for the treatment, and they lose their motivation to change their lifestyle – both factors contribute to more frequent relapses. The treatment of poorly motivated patients is therefore difficult, with uncertain prognosis.

Key words: alcohol dependence – physical health consequences – antidepressant treatment