European minimum quality standards on drug demand reduction

Okruhlica, Ľ.

Introduction: Setting-up the standards is necessary, difficult and dynamic process. Slovak Ministry of Health is planning the project of their implementation for all diseases. This applies also for the medicine of drug addictions. Aim of the paper is to present main principles and minimum framework for experts, which is set-up in the minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the European Union. Materials used as basis for the paper were developed by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Dependence in Lisbon, the World Health Organization in Geneva and by the United Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna. Conclusions point towards the needs of their implementation in drug demand reduction in the areas of prevention, treatment and after-care. Many treatment providers in the health sector, as well as the centers for social reintegration under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family should complete and implement some of the standards into their daily practice. The gaps are also in the prevention, mainly in the field of prevention, which is conducted in the schools.

Key words: drugs – standards – guidelines – treatment – social reintegration