Treatment demand for problems with hallucinogens use in Slovakia

Kamendy, Z. – Rášo, B.

Introduction: In the midst of professional discussion on hallucinogens, we decided to analyze one aspect of the available data on the use of hallucinogens in Slovakia, and provide it to our health care professionals. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective study aims to present national data based on ESPAD surveys and National Health Information Center findings. For more detailed analysis, 20 years of registries of Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies (CTDD) were also used, focusing on the prevalence of the use of hallucinogens as a primary or secondary drug. Results: While 9% of high school students experiment with hallucinogens, the national treatment demand data show that not a dozen people are treated annually for problems with hallucinogens use. In the past 20 years, we registered 3 patients entering treatment for problems with hallucinogens use in CTDD Bratislava. Conclusion: Our findings support the scientific-based assertion that most hallucinogens have low or no addictive potential. Given the available data, our survey does not clarify the incidence of possible serious intoxications resulting in toxic psychoses treated at emergency rooms.

Key words: treatment demand – general population surveys – hallucinogens – LSD