Smoking from A to Z

Martinove, M. – Koprdová, E.

Our paper presents a complex view on nicotine addiction in the context of other addictions. The problem of smoking is processed in a review form, in which there are these parts, all defined and abstracted from several sources: the addiction itself, the habit forming substance (drug), the reasons for addiction formation, bio-psycho-social model of the addiction, and the vicious circle of the addiction, craving and relapse, consequences of the tobacco addiction, smoking therapy with emphasis on CBT model in OLÚP, n. o., 10 main reasons, why not to smoke. The main contribution of the authors to this problem is the psychotherapeutic experience and reliability of the structured CBT model of the nicotine addiction therapy in everyday practice in OLÚP, n. o., in Slovakia. The therapy for nicotine addiction in psychiatry is somehow pushed to the background and even doctors from other specializations (pneumoftizeolgists) appear to be more interested in curing of nicotine addiction by psychotherapy than psychiatrists and psychologists. The main purpose of this review is to point out the possibility of applying a specific form of psychotherapy in this type of addiction, and also to give a notice to the perils of non-treated smoking in context of other psychoactive substance addictions.

Key words: nicotinism – CBT treatment model – craving – relapse