Gambling harm-minimisation through responsible gambling tools and their application in the Act on gambling

Kurilla, A.

The use of responsible gambling tools is among other regulatory approaches a subset of the tools of a broadly conceived strategy of gambling harm-minimisation. In the presented review we address the seven tools of responsible gambling identified in the literature: a) self-exclusion; b) signage and pop-up messages; c) setting pre-gambling limits; d) maximum het amount; e) behavioral tracking tools; f) removal of ATMs and prohibition or modification of note acceptors by slot machines; g) forced breaks in play, forced shutdown of slots and regulation of opening hours. We summarize the existing knowledge about their effectiveness and focus on their implementation in Slovakia which is defined by Act on gambling. We discuss the possibilities of streamlining the tools of responsible gambling applied in Slovakia as well as other harm-minimisation options.

Key words: responsible gambling – harm-minimisation – gambling regulation – Act on gambling