Alcoholism and its treatment in journal “Lékařské rozhledy” during the turn of the 19th and 20th century

Morovicsová, E.

The author presents the ideas of alcoholism and possible treatment methods amongst experts on alcoholism based on analysis of articles in journal “Lékařské rozhledy” published during the turn of 19th and 20th Century. The plot of these articles are various as well as the authors set. The focus of the articles was mostly on negative effects of alcohol to the human body, theoretical issues and practical issues of treatment of alcoholism. From the current point of view the most interesting parts were those, which present that time opinions on particular methods of treatment, for example the analysis of indications and contraindication of treatment by using strychnine, use of hypnotics during treatment process or effects of chloralosis in treatment of delirium tremens. Moreover a very beneficial part of the journal was focused on the practical experiences of experts taken from European medical journals as well as case histories of patients in which experts describe the course and results of treatment using specific methods of treatment.

Key words: alcohol – alcoholisms – history – “Lékařské rozhledy” – turn of the 19th and 20th century