Mental and behavioral disorders caused by custody imprisonment in personality disorders and persons dependent on psychoactive drugs

Žukov, I. – Fischer, S. – Ptáček, R.

The article discusses the questions of mental and behavioral disorders developed from custody imprisonment. The article is connecting to previous work "Selected questions of work with persons dependent on psychoactive agents in the situation of custody imprisonment", published in the journal ”Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti” in year 2008. Custody represents significant endurance, originating in stress and deprival caused by inability to satisfy physiological and psychological needs. Defense mechanisms are failing and due to that other undesirable phenomenon requiring psychiatric care are appearing. Persons dependent on psychoactive agents usually shows personality disorders, too. This implies wide variety of their disorders and reactions. The findings can be used and inspiring for the practice of forensic psychology and psychiatry. Selected cases, describing diagnostic variety of psychiatric disorders are presented as well.

Key words: custody imprisonment – stress – deprivation – personality disorders – persons dependent on psychoactive agents – serious stress reaction – adjustment disorders – schizophrenia – dissociative disorders – Ganser syndrome – maladaptation – simulation