Hangover – Katzenjammer – Pľúšť

Turček, M.

Author deals with the name of the state after alcoholic intoxication, for which in Slovakia the Czech term “kocovina” has been in use. In a concise survey he presents the descriptions of the above mentioned state in various foreign languages: in antic Greek “krajpalé”, in Latin “crapula”, in German “Katzenjammer”, in Polish “kocikjamer”, in French “avoir mal aux cheveux”, or “il a mal aux cheveux”, eventually “avoir la gueule de bois”, in Spanish “modorra (de la borrachera)”, in Italian “scampata” or “sprangheta”, in Hungarian “másnapi mámor” in Serbo-Croatian “mamurjuk”, in English “hangover”, in Russian “pochmelje”. On the basis of the older and newer literature he recommends to use in Slovak the term “plúšťať”. However, this verb lacks, or is not used in a substantive form, only one older author suggests to use the term “plúšť”. The author thinks that it is necessary also in terminology of alcoholism to find suitable words of the individual countries in order to form exact nomenclature to prevent occurrence of eventual misunderstanding.