Epidemiology of nicotinism

Novotný, V. – Heretik, A. – Heretik, A. ml. – Pečeňák, J. – Ritomský, A.

Prevalence of nicotine dependence is influenced with many factors (e.g. used diagnostic criteria DSM vs. ICD, used classification, kind of used instruments and others. 12-month prevalence of nicotine dependence according American studies were from 12.8 % to 28.0 %. In European studies 12-month prevalence was from 8.0 % to 20.9 %. Higher prevalence was in men then women. Approximately ratio men:women was 1.3:1. In some studies was used Fagerström questionnaire for finding out of prevalence nicotine dependence.

Key words: nicotinism – epidemiology – USA – Europe – Fagerström questionnaire